Wednesday 16 July 2014


Scribblings by Tadam


When it comes
No one knows.
It’s like Nature,
But certain.
One who fears it
Doesn't know
That this isn't the end of life,
But the beginning of a new life,
Full of freshness.
‘Death gives us eternal peace’
The Greats say.
‘Death gives us great pain’
The common men say.
But what really death gives us is
A new chance
To regret the things we have
Done wrong.
And feel privileged for the good deeds
We have done.
To feel grateful to the Almighty
That He gave us a chance to live
As a human being.
Death is not contradictory to life.
It’s a new beginning
Of a new you and I and us.
Let's not fear it.
Enjoy it
As the final kindness of Life to us.
And that is certain.

I will be I

Someone says I think too much.
Someone says I talk too little.
Someone says I walk too slow.
Someone says I am useless.

I don't mind them saying that,
Because that’s how I am.
No matter, to change it how much I try,
I will be I.

Nature is unchangeable,
We are born to act as Nature wants.
That's why chalk is white
And fires give light.
Sayers will say,
Whisperers will whisper.
Teachers will teach
And flyers will fly,

And I?
I will be I.

Mirror Mystery

Mirror- mirror
Tell the truth,
Left is right and
Right is left
In you.

Do you show the truth
Or not?
Do you show the same
Or you do show the opposite?

The things you show are
So similar,
Yet fully contradict the real.

Are you truthful

Or do you display an illusion? 

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